Exodus IT services
Refund Policy
You can get a full refund within 30 days after payment. if you are not satisfied with our services
How to get refund
To get the refund you have to contact us by email at info@exodusitservices.com and mentioning the reason why you want refund. we will try to fix the issue and if you are still not satisfied we will refund your 100 % amount. Remember that after completion of 30 days from the date of payment no refund will be made.
Contact us
You can contact us by email : info@exodusitservices.com
or you can drop us a message by using our websites contact page.
or you can chat with us through the chat option available on website. we are available 24*7 at chat facility. if due to any technical issue we are not able to reply you on time than drop us your contact details and we will contact you within 48 hrs.
For more information contact us by above mentioned methods
Our refund policy is also available at invoice that you receive.